Sunday, May 30, 2010

Elijah Prequel: Remember

1. Read Deuteronomy 4:1-23 and 1 Kings 16:21-34. 1 Kings 16 describes the spiritual and political condition of Israel (Northern Kingdom) just prior to Elijah coming on the scene. How did a people who experienced so much of God’s favor fall into such a desperate state?
2. What are some truths/commands they failed to remember?
3. Read the following Psalms. In what different situations did the psalmist remember God and His work?

Psalm 42:1-5—

Psalm 63:6-8—

Psalm 77:1-12—

Psalm 119:49-56—

4. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. How does remembering the gospel help us remember who we are?
5. Read the following scriptures. How did a memory of God’s past work create a desire for revival?

Lamentations 3:19-24, 40-42—

Habakkuk 3:2—

Psalm 44:1-3, 23-26—

Psalm 143:5-12—

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Questions for discussion and reflection Saint Week 4

Bible Study Questions for Reflection and Discussion (Week 3)

1. Read Romans 5:1-11. What does it mean to be justified? Verse 1 states that justification results in peace with God. How does it do that? Does justification seem fair to you?

2. Which of the following statements is supported by Romans 5:2.
o “I am justified before God because of the good (righteous) things that I have done.”
o “I am justified before God because He does not take my sin that seriously.”
o “I am justified before God because of Christ’s sacrifice for me.”
o “I am not justified before God because of my sin.”

Support your conclusion using Romans 5:1-11. Explain what is wrong with the other statements.

3. Read Romans 8:30-34. Why is the answer “because God said so” sufficient to give the Christian assurance of his or her position in Christ.

4. What changes in my life is God calling me to as a result of a renewed understanding of my identity in Christ?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just Plain Cool

Two weekends ago on Mother’s Day Susan and her daughter Courtney were baptized. What makes this story even more amazing is that neither mother nor daughter came to church that morning planning to be baptized. Around Zion, this is called “spontaneous” baptisms. As the message was taught (on our being “washed” from 1 Corinthians 6:11) God’s Spirit was doing His work in these women’s hearts. Just like the Ethiopian in Acts 8:36 said to Philip after placing his faith in Christ, “Look, here is water. Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” so Susan and Courtney each decided it was time for them to go public with their faith.

While recounting the story this past Sunday a young man Ray Doolittle has been discipling decided he too is ready to go public. He is planning to be baptized this coming weekend.

Here are a few thoughts… Ultimately, every testimony has its beginning with God in eternity past… but even from a human perspective, they have been a long time coming. Every week you invest countless hours encouraging, teaching, praying and serving… many times without seeing much fruit for your efforts. Then all of a sudden, something happens that gives us a glimpse into what God is up to… and that just plain cool. Our job is to remain faithful during the “in between” which is exactly what Paul instructed in 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for Him is a waste of time or effort.” (The Message)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DRIVE Leadership Gathering... 5/23/10

DRIVE is this Sunday, May 23rd at 6:00 at ZCC. Group leaders will gather at 4:45 in rooms 103/4 for dinner and training. Check out Dave Earley's article at We will discuss the article over dinner.
Here are some questions for reflection: 1). Who invested in you before you became a leader? 2). Have you ever invested in someone else to develop them for a particular role? What was that experience like? 3). Why do you think Jesus chose to rely on people to carry on this mission?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Breakfast is served!

Sunday some folks from Destiny made breakfast for the teens... thank you. Pastor B. suggested this as an opportunity for adults to spend time with students on their turf. Yesterday was a win. We're looking to do this once a month... Journey has volunteered to take July, any takers on June?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Questions for discussion and reflection Saint Week 3

The word “sanctified” comes from the same word as “saint.” One who is sanctified is a saint.

1. Discuss the following quote, “Sanctification is not the process of you trying really hard to become something that you are not. Sanctification is the process of beginning to live out what you already are.”

2. In the New Testament, the Christian’s sanctification is described in all three tenses—we have been sanctified, we are being sanctified and we will be sanctified. Read the following scriptures and identify which tense(es) are being explained:

1 Corinthians 1:2—

Hebrews 13:12—

1 Corinthians 6:11—

John 17:17—

1 Thessalonians 4:3-7—

1 Peter 3:15—

3. How would the truths explored in this week’s message help the Christian who is frustrated by his or her battle with sin?

4. In what ways do you sense God is desiring to use (set apart) your time, talents and treasures for His purpose and mission?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Supporting Potential Small-Group Members | Articles |

Supporting Potential Small-Group Members | Articles |

Hey life group leaders, check out this article by Dave Earley... we'll take some time to discuss it during dinner prior to DRIVE Sunday, May 26.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

SAINT: (Week 2) Questions for discussion & Reflection

1. What insight, principle, or observation from this weekend’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. The first act the New Testament envisions for every person who becomes a Christ-follower is baptism. Baptism symbolizes the believer identifying with Christ’s death by being immersed into the water and Christ’s resurrection by being lifted out of the water (Romans 6:3). The word baptism comes from the Greek word, baptizo meaning to dip or immerse a person.

3. What insights do the following scriptures give to your understanding of the New Testament’s teaching on baptism?

Acts 2:38-41—

Matthew 3:13-17—

Matthew 28:19—

Acts 8:12-13—

Acts 8:36-38—

Acts 9:18—

Acts 10:47-48—

4. What has your experience with baptism been?

5. What is the purpose of baptism?

Friday, May 7, 2010

SAINT: (Week 1) Questions for discussion & Reflection

1. What insight, principle, or observation from this weekend’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening, or troubling? Explain.

2. 1 Corinthians 1:7 reads, “Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed” (NIV). Read the following scriptures and note the “spiritual gifts” possessed by every Christ-follwer.

John 3:7—

Titus 3:5—

Ephesians 2:3-4—

2 Corinthians 6:18—

Galatians 3:26—

2 Corinthians 5:20—

3. Read Ephesians 2:1-3, 11-12. What was our identity prior to Christ?

4. How does Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6 describe our identity in Christ?

“As God’s child, God no longer is only our creator, but now becomes our “Abba.” The Aramaic term “Abba” is similar to saying “Daddy” or “Papa.” What does this reveal about God’s “daddy” heart toward you?

5. How should your identity as a “saint” influence how you live and relate toward your Father God? Toward others?